alicia keys play piano keyboard

Alicia Keys – How To Play Piano And Keyboards Like Alicia Keys

How To Play Piano Like Alicia Keys

alicia keys play piano keyboard

So you want to play piano like Alicia Keys? Learn to use her style of piano and keyboard playing to explore your own creativity. If you don’t already play piano or keyboard, here are some steps for you to take to get you on track. If you already play, much of this will apply to you as well.

Begin studying basic piano. The easiest way to do this, is with a piano course that you can study at home. If you have never played before, this is the way to go. If you already play, a piano course is still great, as it will fill in the gaps and give you an entirely new perspective on playing that you may have missed.

Whether you have an acoustic piano or just a small keyboard, the key is to get started right away and stick with it. A good piano and keyboard course will be a powerful tool for you to develop your playing skills and acquire the foundation so you can start playing like Alicia Keys. The course will teach you how to read music, play by ear, learn about melody, harmony, and rhythm. You’ll also learn the theory that will tie all these things together so they make sense. Learn how to sound like a professional by following examples of professional players.

See what kind of music is expressed by Alicia Keys’ playing and what artists have influenced her. Listen to her music, her phrasing, and her personal style. See how she incorporates hip hop and soul influences to create her unique and special sound.

The best way to learn her style of music, is to try to mimic that style. You can get sheet music transcriptions of her performances. The most important thing is to start playing piano and get get the background that will enable you to do what you want on the keyboard or piano.

Once you are playing in her style, focus on the nuances of playing, the dynamics in phrasing, and the chord textures that accompany a melody. This is where you will capture the essence of Alicia Keys’ piano playing.

Alicia Keys

Alicia Keys is an accomplished pianist, songwriter, and singer. Her playing style is eclectic, including elements of classical, gospel, soul, blues, jazz, R&B, pop, rock, as well as hip-hop. She began playing the piano when she was seven and learned classical music by Beethoven, Mozart and Chopin. Keys enrolled in the Professional Performing Arts School at age 12, where she majored in choir. Keys began writing songs at 14.

Alicia Keys was influenced by music from many generations and diverse disciplines. Some of the artists who have made an impact on her playing are; Nina Simone, Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, Oscar Peterson, Fats Waller, Marian McPartland, Erik Satie, Tupac Shakur, Jay-Z and the Wu-Tang Clan.

Alicia Keys’ first album, Songs in A Minor, was a great success, and sold over 12 million copies worldwide. She is the winner of countless awards, including five Grammy awards. Her songwriting skills and fabulous piano playing has given her a unique sound that put her at the pinnacle of her field.

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